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6 Must Haves For New Cat Owners

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6 must haves for new cat owner. image of a long hair domestic kitten.

6 Must Haves For New Cat Owners


Bringing home, a new kitten is very exciting.  Cats fill our lives with joy, provide companionship and bring warmth into our humble abode. This article contains 6 essential must haves for new cat owners.


As an animal protection officer and animal care attendant, it was always a priority of mine to make sure that every cat at the shelter and all cats going through the adoption process had essentials to keep them feeling secure, clean, and happy.  Cats are very emotional animals and they rely on their human companions to take care of them in order to ensure a healthy long lasting life.  Before you bring home your new kitty there are a few things that you will need to purchase ahead of time so let’s jump in!





6 must haves for new cat owners. image of a kitten licking his mouth standing in front of a white cat bowl.

As obvious as this may sound, food is the most important must have on the list.  Your new kitten will need plenty of nourishment to grow and play.Ever heard of the expression You are what you eat? When it comes to food, it would be helpful to do a little digging on a few different brands.  Typically, with cat food you get what you pay for.

Ask your vet if you are unsure which brand to feed your new kitten.  Stick to real ingredients with no artificial flavors or colors.  Pet stores usually offer a ton of different sample food bags, all you need to do is ask.

It is very important to note that cats are carnivores. This means that their bodies have adopted to a diet based solely on meat.

Raising your cat on a vegan diet will only cause harm and a poor quality of life.


Pro Tip: The less ingredients listed on the bag, the better the quality of the food.  This also applies to human food as well.



Kitty Litter


Kitty litter comes in all sorts of varieties. Best practice is to use the same litter that your cat has already been using and then slowly transition into the type of litter that fits your needs. Personally, I try to avoid litter that creates lots of dust and contains harmful chemicals.  I find that walnut shell litter is the overall best natural choice for my cat Roxi but to each their own. Other choices are:

Clay litter

Silica gel litter

Pine litter

Wheat litter

Grass litter

Corn litter

Paper litter



Litter Box


6 must haves for new cat owners. iage of a cat existing litter box


You’re going to need a litter box, well not so much you as your new kitty.  Just like with kitty litter, there are endless types of litter boxes to choose from. As a first-time cat owner, a simple open top plastic tray type litter box will do the trick.


Tip: When buying a litter box, go ahead and get yourself a litter mat. The mat will collect most of the loose litter that sticks to your cat’s paws.  It just makes for a cleaner setup.


If your new fur ball is a young kitten, the litter box should be shallow enough for them to enter and exit with ease.  If the litter box is too tall, your cat may avoid using it and start going the bathroom outside of the box.  Don’t sweat the details, if you’re unsure as to which litter box to choose, just ask the store employee. When filling the litter box, just 2-3 inches of litter in the box is the ideal amount for your cat. I find my cat enjoys a plentiful amount of litter, about 4 inches, this is rare but it’s what she likes. Anything less and she won’t burry her poop.


Size also matters.  If your kittens litter box is too small, meaning there isn’t room to turn around and avoid touching the sides, your kitty might be turned off and avoid the litter box.  It’s all just trial and error so don’t go spending the big bucks until you find the right setup.

When it comes to bathroom needs functionality is more important than anything else.  Your kitty needs to be comfortable and happy with the setup so keep their needs ahead of your own and remember to buy a scooper!



Scratch Post


6 must haves for new cat owners. image of a cat scratching a cat post


You will want to get your new cat a scratch post or pad If you value your furniture.  The scratch post allows your cat to remove the outer layer of their nails, strengthen their claw muscles and promote healthy grooming.  Getting a scratch post may also deter your cat from scratching at the furniture.


There are several options when purchasing a scratch post (shocker).  The two most popular types are plant fiber posts similar to a rope and the other is a cardboard type of pad, made from, you guessed it cardboard.  The rope type posts last much longer and don’t make a big mess, whereas the  flat scratch pad made out of hard cardboard is usually the cheaper option because it doesn’t last as long and creates more of a mess.  You may want to consider the plant fiber option because the cardboard pads tend to break off and your cat might be tempted to eat the cardboard pieces.





6 must haves for new cat owners. image of cat playing with toys


This shopping list wouldn’t be complete without cat toys.

Play time is an essential part of a cat’s life. Toys help keep our cats stimulated and entertained.  Cats also require a lot of exercise, so toys are the perfect way to keep them physically healthy. Some toys are designed to encourage your cat to entertain themselves whereas others allow you to interact with your cat during playtime.  There are even puzzle type toys to keep you cat’s mental juices flowing as well as keep them busy if you’re out of the house for a longer period.  When it comes to cat toys you really can’t go wrong.  Your cat may prefer some toys over others, but it won’t be long util you figure out the right mix.

If you would like to learn more about cat toys and cat toy fatigue, head over to easy steps to fix your cats boredom article. HERE



A Safe Space


6 must haves for new cat owners.. image of a cat inside of a cat house


Many cats require a safe space, a place to call their own, an asylum if you will. Cats need a place to hide when they feel scared or aren’t feeling particularly social.  A safe space is usually an enclosed object with a small opening. Small enough to feel cozy yet large enough for the cat to be able to stand up, move around and adjust position.


These spaces provide cats with security and act as a den and a place to retreat to for nap time.  Eventually your cat may find their own safe space such as the windowsill behind the curtain or a nice warm spot behind the couch, heck maybe even under the bed. Until the cat gains confidence and becomes comfortable in their new home, a safe place is a must.  A safe place can be in the form of an enclosed cat house or even a cardboard box.  My cat Roxi Will choose a cardboard box over an expensive cat house any day of the week. As an extra bonus she loves it when I cut out 2 inch holes in random spots of the box. This allows her to feel safe and view her surroundings.  It also makes for a fun interactive playhouse.


These 6 must haves for new cat owners will prepare you for a joyful pet experience and your kitty will thank you!


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