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Cat Quiz – Test Your Cat Knowledge

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Cat Quiz - Test Your Cat Knowledge. featured article image of a black and white kitten.

Cat Quiz – Test Your Cat Knowledge



Cat Quiz

1 / 10

Why do cats often land on their feet?

2 / 10

How fast can cats run?

3 / 10

How many teeth does an adult cat have?

4 / 10

One litter of kittens can have multiple fathers

5 / 10

On a global scale,


What percentage of people identify as cat people?

6 / 10

What is the fear of cats called (cat phobia)

7 / 10

What breed of cat doesn't have a tail?

8 / 10

All cats are born with what color eyes?

9 / 10

Outdoor cats tend to live longer than indoor cats

10 / 10

What is a group of kittens called?

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