6 Myths About Pit Bulls
These 6 myths about Pit bulls are quite common but are they fact or just misinformation? Lets dive in!
When people hear the words Pit bull, they are quick to assume the dog is aggressive, dangerous, unfriendly, and generally a problematic breed. But can you blame them? There is a widely held but false belief by Society that has labelled the Pit bull type dog as taboo, a big warning sign to potential dog owners to stay away.
Bad Rep
Pit bull type dogs are often associated with organized crime, dog fighting and have become a general symbol of the tough guy persona. Although Pit bulls have a controversial reputation, many studies suggest that the Pit bull is no more inherently aggressive than other trusted dog breeds we all love today.
My Experience
As an Animal Protection Officer, I had responded to numerous dog attack calls and funny enough the aggressor was almost never a Pit bull type dog. In many cases the victims of the attacks were the same breeds that had been labeled by society as dangerous. Pit bull, Cane Corso, and Rottweiler to name a few. I quickly began to realize that the myths and rumors surrounding Pit bull type dogs were proving to be false.
The outcome of my investigations would determine that the dog’s aggressive behavior was a direct result of the environment in which they matured in, the lack of training and proper care of the dog, rewarding aggressive behavior rather than correcting it and not properly socializing the dog with other dogs and people.
In many cases the people who owned aggressive dogs were not qualified to be dog owners and had personal beliefs that dogs had to be tough and aggressive. This type of mind set is the reason why Pit bulls and other large breed dogs have such a negative reputation.
In my personal experience, Pit bull type dogs are some of the friendliest sucks that I have ever encountered. They are fun, playful and a joy to be around. That being said, Pit bull type dogs have strong personalities and can be a lot to handle for the average person.
Is A Pit Bull The Right Dog For You?
Owning a Pit bull type dog is a lifestyle. These dogs are best suited for the outdoors kind of person and not someone who is pre occupied with long work days and a home body type of person. Pit bull type dogs require a substantial amount of physical activity, a large living space and a lot attention. If you are considering a Pit bull type dog as a companion, I highly recommend that you do your research first. Not all breeds are one size fits all, so please remember to always research your breed of interest first.
In this article we shine the light on 6 of the most popular myths about Pit bull type dogs.
Myth #1
Pit bulls are dangerous and aggressive
There’s no doubt that Pit bulls have a high pain tolerance and are very good fighters. The same is true with professional mixed martial arts fighters, but it doesn’t mean a UFC champion is inherently aggressive. Some of the worlds most dangerous fighters are the most humble down to earth people you will ever meet.
The same is true with dogs. Breed does not determine aggression. In comparison with the general dog population, Pit Bulls have a passing rate of 82% or higher. According to American Temperament Test Society Inc, Pit Bulls are no more dangerous or aggressive than the lovable and family friendly Golden retriever. According to the Journal of Veterinary Behavior, Pit bull type dogs score in the top 23% of least aggressive dogs.
Pit bull type dogs are not born aggressive. Every dog breed is capable of aggression. The environment in which a dog grows up in can have a massive impact on their behavior such as when trained to fight, abused, and provoked to react in an aggressive manner.
Myth #2
It is unsafe to adopt a pit bull from a shelter
An animal shelter will never release a dog that shows extreme signs of aggression regardless of breed. For a dog to be eligible for adoption in must pass a behavioral assessment. Animal care attendants and trainers will attempt to work with the dogs to adjust any behavioral issues.
The adoption process can be tough and is designed to match the dog with the most appropriate owner.
Many Pit Bulls end up at animal shelters as a (surrender) because the owners were not able to provide an appropriate environment and correctly care for the dog.
Pit bull type dogs are naturally energetic dogs and require a significant amount of physical exercise, attention, and a balanced diet. Neglecting these needs will result in any mid to large size dog to become difficult to control. Pit Bulls are extremely loyal and family-oriented dogs who just want to be loved.
Adopting any breed of dog from a shelter can be a challenge and you must be ready to put in the work.
Myth #3
Pit bull type dogs lock their jaw
Misinformation suggests that dogs of this nature can snap their jaws into positions that are impossible to release without the dog’s voluntary cooperation. Pit bull type dogs do not lock their jaw. The bone structure of an American Pit bull Terrier is no different proportionally than any other dog breed.
In fact, there is no evidence that any dog breeds are able to lock their jaw.
Myth #4
Pit bull type dogs are difficult to train
Pit Bulls respond very well to training. They are extremely intelligent dogs, very resourceful and highly driven. Pit Bulls will devote themselves to whatever they set out to accomplish and see it through, making them one of the easiest dogs to train.
Myth #5
You cannot trust a Pit bull type dog
With the proper training, care and love, Pit Bulls prove to be very obedient, adaptable, and loyal pets. A Pit Bull is a family-oriented dog that is friendly around children. Exercise and positive outlets for their energy are key to thriving in an urban environment. These dogs are natural protectors and will defend their family from danger.
Myth #6
Pit bull type dogs are very serious
Pit bulls tend to mature later than other dog breeds. As young pups they are very playful, energetic, and rambunctious. This behavior can last up to 3 years of maturity. Pit Bulls have a great sense of humor and remain playful throughout their lives. They will never pass up an opportunity to play and get silly.
This article wouldn’t be complete without mentioning the famous Pit Bull Smile. The Pit Bull smile is one of the most iconic characteristics of the dog. Pit Bulls carry a noticeable smile from ear to ear which make them just that much more loveable.
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